
Sick of scrolling on Netflix just want to find something to watch?
Popcorn recommends movies based on your friends' recent view activities.
September- November 2020 
Concept design, Research,UX/UI, Visual design.


We all have this experience that scrolling on Netflix for hours just wants to find something to watch. Today, we have so much content on the streaming service, but we don’t have time to find out what to watch next. By 2020, the contents on Netflix US are 36,000 hours in total. As the number of streaming services increases, so does the time spent searching for content. According to the Ericsson Consumer Lab Media report, the consumer averagely spent 51 mins a day searching for something good to watch. A study from Pricewaterhouse Coopers showed that 55% of consumers struggle to find a new show or movie at least once every week.

Design Research

Interview & Survey

To narrow down the scope of the user problem, ten interviews were conducted. The interviewees were users who are age between 18 and 40.

Key Findings

People believe their friends and family know their movie and show preferences better than the streaming service recommendation.

Most streaming services use algorithms to recommend to their users what to watch next. Many people complained about how inaccurate the algorithm’s recommendation work. On the other hand, people often get TV/video recommendations from friends. They feel like the recommendation is more genuine and engaging but it requires the users to contact their friends individually. 

“I don’t care how efficient the company says the algorithm is–from my personal experience, it doesn’t work”

People feel the urge of sharing their movie taste

Some people would like to share their favorite movie list on their social media. By sharing their movie taste makes them feel more connected to their friends.


After the interviews, I continued to conduct further analysis with objectives in minds:

Starting with Questions

Creating a list of ‘How Might We…’ questions to  better align the user’s tasks and goals:

Design Ideation

User Flow


User Testing

Using wireframes to conducting guerrilla usability testing with four participants. The goal was to test the concept of solution, clarity of user flows and features.

Key Feedbacks

Feedback 1:
No hierarchy in recommendations on the Homepage.

On the homepage, besides the trailer on the top, there is no hierarchy in other recommendations. People found it distracting by seeing too much information at once.

Create a hierarchy by making the recommendation in the middle bigger.

Feedback 2:
The poll’s ranking option can be easier

People find it confusing to move the number in order to rank their choices. They are not sure is 1 the one I want to watch the most or least.

Instead of moving the number, the users should move the movie title to finish the ranking process

Design System

The simple color palettes against a monochrome background allow viewers to focus on the visual and information of the film/TV. The playfulness of the glitch popcorn logo shapes the tone of the site to be a fun and sharable platform.

Let's Start Exploring!


With the trailer ready to play on top, users can quickly catch up on what’s the most popular film/ TV among his/her friends. By scrolling down the users can find a full list of the recommendation. The posters are displayed in two sizes to emphasized the hierarchy of the information.

Add to List

With just one click on the poster, the users can save the movie to the list.

Movie Detail Page

Using the light theme to differentiate from the homepage design. The popcorn element is changed into a yellow single color version to lower the visual complexity of the page. The user review photos and the cast’s photos are turned into monochrome to emphasize the color of the poster.

Two Scores

The general film score and your personalized score.

Review by your friends

The users can switch between the general reviews or the reviews made by friends.


The horizontal scrolling view allows the users to review the personal watch list and the shared list at the same time. The users can switch between the lists by click the tab on the top.


In the shared watch list, the users are able to create a poll for selected items.

Decide Faster

Vote for the film the users in the group want to watch. Making the decision process more efficient.

Click and Drag

Rank in order of the preference the users want to watch.


Many of us doing quick research on our phones nowadays. As a result, creating an optimal mobile experience is also essential.

Make it simple

The app keeps the experience simple and straightforward by removing extra functions.

Two Scores

The general film score and your personalized score.

Gather opinions in minutes!

Decide what to watch with just one click.

All images were used for non-commercial purposes.

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